Latimer Trust

46 products

    46 products
    A Better Vision: Resources for the Debate about Human Sexuality in the Church of England
    A Fruitful Exhortation: A Guide to the Homilies
    And the Light Shineth in Darkness
    Anglican Elders?
    Anglican Foundations: A Handbook to the Source Documents of the English Reformation
    Athanasian Creed
    Being Faithful: The Shape of Historic Anglicanism Today
    Come Let Us Sing
    Day by Day: The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer
    Dearly Beloved: Building God's People through Morning and Evening Prayer
    Deification and Union with Christ: A Reformed Perspective on Salvation in Orthodoxy
    Divine Allurement: Cranmer's Comfortable Words
    For Us and For Our Salvation: 'Limited Atonement' in the Bible, Doctrine, History and Ministry
    From Cambridge to Colony: Charles Simeon's Enduring Influence on Christianity in Australia
    Glorify God in your Body
    How to Write a Theology Essay
    Book cover image
    Howard and Dorothy Mowll
    Instruction in the Way of the Lord
    Launching Marsden's Mission: The Beginnings of the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand, Viewed from New South Wales
    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi - Liturgy, Doctrine and Scripture in History and Today
    Light From Dark Ages: An Evangelical Critique of Celtic Spirituality
    Listen to Him: Reading and Preaching Emmanuel in Matthew
    Ministry Under The Microscope
    Pilgrims, Warriors, and Servants: Puritan Wisdom for Today's Church
    Preaching: A Guidebook for Beginners
    Reformation Anglicanism
    Resilience: A Spiritual Project
    Strangely Warmed
    Sure and Certain Hope: Death and Burial in the Book of Common Prayer
    Tend My Sheep: The Word of God and Pastoral Ministry
    The Anglican Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism
    The Anglican Ordinal
    The ethics of usury
    The Faith We Confess: An Exposition of the Thirty-Nine Articles
    The Genius of George Whitefield: Reflections on his ministry from 21st Century Africa
    The Legacy of David Broughton Knox
    The Truth Shall Set You Free: Global Anglicans in the 21st Century
    The Very Pure Word of God: The Book of Common Prayer as a Model of Biblical Liturgy
    Thinking Aloud