The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit
ôThe book is strong medicine for anyone who might think that the Holy Spirit is a raw power that can be manipulated in any way we please.ö - Frank D. Macchia, D.Theol. Editor, Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies ôThis book is a valuable source for anyone interested in the subject of the Holy Spirit and experience in deeper spiritual life.ö - Willie Tjiong, Ph.D. Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Regent University ôPastors and all students of the Holy Spirit especially will find this volume a valuable and welcome resource.ö - Trevor Grizzle, Ph.D. Professor of New Testament, Oral Roberts University ôWithout rancor the book deftly alludes to objections and criticisms that are often directed toward the Pentecostal position, and answers those questions effectively.ö - Robert H. Spence, D.D. President, Evangel University ôDr. LinzeyÆs work is more than an articulate apologetic; it is an unveiling of the Person of the Holy Spirit by one who has had an intimate encounter.ö - Dr. M. Wayne Benson President, Central Bible College ôThis is the most comprehensive book on the working and ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a New Testament believer available today.ö - Benjamin L. Thornley, D.D. Vice President, Kingsway Theological Seminary ôThe author got it right! This book will be of particular interest to the non-Pentecostal Christian troubled by theological misunderstandings.ö - Major General James L. Gardner, USAF (Ret.) Senior Military Advisor, Chaplaincy Full Gospel Churches