Passion and Resurrection Narratives: Post Nicene Latin Interpretations

SKU: 9781532674334
Passion and Resurrection Narratives: Post Nicene Latin Interpretations

Passion and Resurrection Narratives: Post Nicene Latin Interpretations

SKU: 9781532674334
By grasping how the church of a particular time period reads the Scriptures, we can understand much of the Christianity of that age. This volume examines how the Gospel accounts at the heart of the Christian faith, the passion and resurrection of Christ, were interpreted by four key authors from late antiquity. In analyzing the readings and methods of Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine, this work advocates for a reshaping of the categories commonly used to understand Latin patristic exegesis. It also prompts reflection upon habits of biblical interpretation and the pastoral application of Scripture in our own time. ""In this important book, the author gives us a detailed examination of the techniques used to expound a key topic by the leading Latin exegetes of the classical age of patristic theology. General principles are illustrated by using specific examples that deepen our appreciation of both the era and its achievements."" --Gerald Bray, professor, Beeson Divinity School ""Andrew Bain's reading of four significant early treatments of the passion and resurrection narratives challenges some conventional understandings and exposes significant theological insights and connections that will enrich contemporary scholarship and preaching. The importance of a greater acquaintance with the writing of these early theologians has been highlighted in recent scholarship. Dr. Bain's contribution will stand out among those who seek to understand these early writers on their own terms but also to learn from them for the edification of God's people today."" --Mark D. Thompson, principal, Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia ""Andrew Bain is a scholar after my own heart. His attentive study of how patristic authors actually used Scripture moves us beyond stereotypes and generalizations to an appreciation of the rich exegetical legacy they have bequeathed to us. Highly recommended!"" --Edwina Murphy, lecturer, church history, Morling College, Sydney, Australia Andrew M. Bain is the vice principal of Queensland Theological College, Brisbane, Australia, where he teaches church history and Christian ethics.
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Passion and Resurrection Narratives: Post Nicene Latin Interpretations is found in these collections: ACT Monographs |

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