P & R Publishing

30 products

    30 products
    Age of Opportunity (Revised and Updated)
    Anger - Calming Your Heart
    Blame It on the Brain? Distinguishing Chemical Imbalances, Brain Disorders, and Disobedience
    By Faith, Not by Sight - Paul and the Order of Salvation
    Catching Foxes - A Gospel-Guided Journey to Marriage
    Gilles Deleuze (Great Thinkers Series)
    God for Us - Discovering the Heart of the Father Through the Life of the Son
    How Can I Know For Sure?
    Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone
    Jacques Derrida (Great Thinkers Series)
    Let the Earth Hear His Voice: Strategies for Overcoming Bottlenecks in Preaching God's Word
    Letters to Pastor's Wives
    Meaning and Mode of Baptism
    Michel Foucault (Great Thinkers Series)
    Prayers for a Parent for Teens
    Prone to Wander: Prayers of Confession and Celebration
    Same Lake, Different Boat - Coming Alongside People Touched by Disability
    Seven Churches, Four Horsemen, One Lord
    Sufficient Hope - Gospel Prayers and Meditations for Moms
    Tales of Persia: Missionary Stories from Islamic Iran
    The Heart is the Target: Preaching Practical Application from Every Text
    The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses - 9780875523750 - Vern S. Poythress - P & R Publishing - The Little Lost Bookshop
    The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses
    The Shepherd Leader: Achieving Effective Shepherding in Your Church
    The Thunder
    Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 As Tools of Cultural Critique
    When People are Big and God is Small
    Why Can't We Be Friends? - Avoidance Is Not Purity
    Why Me? - Comfort for the Victimized
    Work - Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation
    Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi