Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture

SKU: 9781725288775
Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture - 9781725288775 - Jill Firth (Editor), Denise Cooper-Clarke (Editor) - Wipf & Stock Publishers - The Little Lost Bookshop

Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture

SKU: 9781725288775

Papers by Australian Women Scholars in the Evangelical Tradition

"In my bibliographies there are no women in the evangelical tradition, and no Australian women scholars."

This unique volume addresses this gap, with eighteen biblically rich and academically rigorous chapters by established and emerging Australian women scholars in the evangelical tradition.

The authors consider our relationship with the land and Indigenous peoples, neighborhood, embodiment, (dis)ability, abortion, leadership, work, architecture, the media, Song of Songs and domestic violence, and Jeremiah and weaponized rape, and demonstrate recent methodologies such as a social identity reading of Exodus, sensory readings of Psalms and John's Gospel, and discipleship readings of Mary and Martha and the woman at the well.

A contemporary Kriol psalm and stories of pioneering Australian women theological students and teachers complete the volume. Valuable for students and teachers across Bible, theology, ministry, and practice subjects, this book is an essential inclusion in any theological library.

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Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture is found in these collections: ACT Monographs | Women's Discipleship |
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