Big Picture Parents: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

Big Picture Parents: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life
Being a parent in the modern world is tough. We are often overwhelmed with fear about damaging our children, guilt about our imperfections, and confusion about our role. Harriet Connor knows these feelings well. But hers is not just another parenting book full of ''shoulds and shouldn'ts'' to make you feel worse. Rather, she invites you to step back and consider the bigger picture: What is the purpose of life and parenthood? What are our human limitations? How can we cope with our guilt and fear? What are our family's values and how do we pass them on? What is our family's structure and place within the wider community?
When she was desperate for answers, Harriet Connor turned to the ancient wisdom of her ancestors--the Bible. She went looking for little pieces of grandmotherly advice, but what she found was a grand vision--a big picture--that made sense of both life and parenthood. Whether you are new to the Bible or have read it before, you will not regret taking time to reflect on its message, which has given comfort and guidance to generations of parents just like you.
''I wish this book had been written when I first became a mother almost thirty years ago. Big Picture Parents is a thoroughly readable, wise, and encouraging book. It provides a helpful biblical framework and a fresh way of thinking about being a parent. I will be giving it to any new parent or about-to-become parent to help them as they make the enormous change from life before children to life after delivery. This book will be a blessing to all parents.'' --Sarah Condie, pastor; Co-director, the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute, Sydney, Australia
'''All we want is for our children to be happy' is the absolute unchallenged axiom of our time. But what if, ironically, by chasing this elusive goal we are making not just our children, but ourselves less happy? This book gives parents a wise framework for understanding our children, ourselves, and our world. In doing so, not only will the parent be happier, but so also will the child.'' --Sam Chan, national communicator, City Bible Forum, Australia; public speaker; theologian; author of Preaching as the Word of God
''This is a refreshing book, written with humor and grace. It is full of biblical wisdom and its practical outworkings, for all kinds of families.'' --Kirsten Birkett, Latimer Research Fellow, Oak Hill College, UK; author of Resilience - A Spiritual Project and The Essence of Family