Growing Up by the Book

Growing Up by the Book
Puberty—it's an exciting time. You're not a child, but you're not an adult either. Your body is changing: breasts, curves and periods; deepening voices, broadening shoulders and wet dreams. And hair in some quite strange places! And, you don’t feel like a child. Well, sometimes you still want to cuddle Mum but mostly you want to do things your own way and explore your own identity. And then there’s all this talk about sex! So, how do you manage all these changes? How do you decide ‘your way’? Who (or where) do you go to for advice? Renowned sex therapist and educator Patricia Weerakoon answers the most common questions kids aged 10−14 have about puberty, sex and relationships. She’ll get you thinking about how you see your body, what you feed your brain, and who you base your identity on. But growing up is more than just facts; it’s about becoming the best person you can be. You’ll see how living your life the way God intended is best for you, your friends and your family.