Not Home Yet - How the Renewal of the Earth Fits into God's Plan for the World

SKU: 9781433562778
Not Home Yet - How the Renewal of the Earth Fits into God&

Not Home Yet - How the Renewal of the Earth Fits into God's Plan for the World

SKU: 9781433562778
Author: Ian K. Smith | Publisher: Crossway Books

Christians often view heaven as their 'future home'--but God's plan is actually to live forever with his people on a renewed earth. Beginning with the creation of the heavens and earth and ending with the awe-inspiring picture of the New Jerusalem descending to earth, the storyline of Scripture reveals God's commitment to the physical world. What's more, an understanding of God's commitment to renew and restore this earth connects what Christians learn on Sunday mornings with what happens the rest of the week, infusing all good earthly endeavors with dignity, meaning, and significance. This anticipation of God's cosmic renewal has the power to shape the mission of the church as God's people discover eternal purpose in the seemingly 'earthly' and 'unspiritual' facets of everyday life.

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