Christ Fulfills All: Introducing the Biblical Covenants

SKU: 9781527111349
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Christ Fulfills All: Introducing the Biblical Covenants

SKU: 9781527111349

Get a better understanding of the whole structure of the Bible with this easy introduction to covenant theology


The Bible is written in covenant language. The more you understand the structure of the Bible the better you will understand the major message of the Bible and see how everything fits together.


There is a unity to the message of the Bible, centered around covenant theology, related to God’s plan to restore broken human beings who have rebelled against him. Covenant theology explains how we became broken and how God plans to save us. The gospel itself is dependent on the covenantal framework of Scripture.


Richard P. Belcher, Jr., John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, brings his extensive understanding of the way covenants underpin the whole Bible to this book, and introduces us to the concepts in such a way that no prior knowledge is required.

* Includes ‘Points of Interest’ sidebars
* Reading list for further study


Chapter headings include:

* Preface: Why Study Covenant Theology?
* What is a Covenant?
* The Covenantal Structure of Scripture
* The Covenant of Works
* The Initiation of the Covenant of Grace
* The Covenant with Noah
* The Covenant with Abraham
* The Covenant with Moses
* The Covenant with David
* The New Covenant
* Christ Fulfills All the Covenant Promises

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