The Fulfillment of the Promises of God An Explanation of Covenant Theology

SKU: 9781527105195
The Fulfillment of the Promises of God An Explanation of Covenant Theology

The Fulfillment of the Promises of God An Explanation of Covenant Theology

SKU: 9781527105195
Author: Richard P Belcher | Publisher: Christian Focus
A variety of views and nuances of covenant theology exist within the Reformed church and the broader evangelical world. This book seeks to explain covenant theology as presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith as a starting point for discussions of covenant theology and as a foundation to evaluate other views. Some variations of covenant theology are minor and do not impact the system of doctrine of Reformed theology, but other variations are major and impact important doctrines associated with justification by faith. Attention is also given to the views of confessional Baptists, as well as those who are evangelicals and operate with a covenantal approach to Scripture. This book combines a straightforward explanation of basic covenant theology followed by more detailed analysis of other views.
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