Dig Deeper Into the Gospels: Coming Face to Face With Jesus in Mark

SKU: 9781783591992
Dig Deeper Into the Gospels: Coming Face to Face With Jesus in Mark

Dig Deeper Into the Gospels: Coming Face to Face With Jesus in Mark

SKU: 9781783591992
Author: Andrew Sach, Tim Hiorns | Publisher: IVP UK

Using the right tools, you can unearth new treasure in the Gospels, starting with Mark as a worked example.

Anyone who has been through Sunday school can tell you that Jesus walked on water, fed the 5,000 and told a parable about a sower. Is there really much more to it than that? Aren't the Gospels supposed to be the "easy" bits of the Bible?

Using Mark as a worked example, Andrew and Tim follow 'the most important things that have ever happened in the history of the world'. They help us see "a diagnosis of the human condition more perceptive than that offered by any physician, politician, philosopher or psychiatrist". They point to a solution that touches in the same moment both the horrors of hell and the glory of heaven. We come face to face with the Jesus of the Bible and see how to follow him in a way that utterly transforms our lives.

The conviction of the Dig Deeper books is that God wants us to work hard at reading the Bible in order to discover its true meaning, hence the use of 'tools' to dig and dig again. It's an interactive and enjoyable process. Indeed, the authors want to make finding Bible treasure a real possibility for everyone. And to do so with receptive hearts, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying.


'What a splendid book! I praise God for this great resource. This book provides useful tools for people reading Mark's Gospel and so also the other Gospels. If people are going to read the Bible, they need to be trained to understand it deeply. This book will also be a great resource for Bible study leaders and preachers. I am only sorry that I had not read this book before preaching a recent series on Mark!'

- Peter Adam, Vicar Emeritus of St Jude's Carlton, Melbourne, Australia.

'This book is a goldmine, not just because of the many rich ideas it contains but specially because it enables us to discover the treasures of the Gospels. It is a fantastic addition to the Dig Deeper series, and is hugely valuable as a model of how to study a Bible book so as to embrace its message and be transformed by its power. The toolbox is brilliant, the writing is clear and accessible, the interactive questions are penetrating, and the resulting engagement with the Gospel - with Jesus himself - is compelling and life-changing. Whether for personal use, home groups, or preparing to preach, I urgently encourage you to dig into this wonderful guide to Mark's Gospel.'

- Jonathan Lamb, CEO and minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries, and was formerly Director of Langham Preaching.

- Publisher.

Anyone who has been through Sunday school can tell you that Jesus walked on water, fed the 5,000 and told a parable about a sower. Is there really much more to it than that? Aren't the Gospels supposed to be the "easy" bits of the Bible? Using Mark as a worked example, Andrew and Tim follow "the most important things that have ever happened in the history of the world." They help us see "a diagnosis of the human condition more perceptive than that offered by any physician, politician, philosopher, or psychiatrist." They point to a solution that touches in the same moment both the horrors of hell and the glory of heaven. We come face to face with the Jesus of the Bible and see how to follow him in a way that utterly transforms our lives. The conviction of the Dig Deeper books is that God wants us to work hard at reading the Bible in order to discover its true meaning, hence the use of 'tools" to dig and dig again. It's an interactive and enjoyable process. Indeed, the authors want to make finding Bible treasure a real possibility for everyone. And to do so with receptive hearts, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying.

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Dig Deeper Into the Gospels: Coming Face to Face With Jesus in Mark is found in these collections: Bible Studies |
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