Christine Dillon

Christine Dillon

11 products

    Christine Dillon is a Bible storyteller who loves nothing better than telling the greatest story of them all to those who've never heard them.

    Christine grew up in Asia where her parents were missionaries and has worked with OMF International in Taiwan since 1999. Her roles include church-planter amongst working-class people, training in evangelism, discipleship and storytelling within Taiwan and throughout Asia and Australia/NZ.

    Her book "Telling the Gospel Through Story" won Outreach Magazine's 'evangelism book of the year' in 2012. In 2017, she branched into fiction.

    Her novels were reviewed by Wendy Lin on The Gospel Coalition website.

    11 products
    Telling the Gospel Through Story: Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More
    Sword Fighting : Applying God's word to win the battle for our mind
    Grace Across The Miles
    Grace in the Desert - 9780648589051 - Christine Dillon - Christine Dillon - The Little Lost Bookshop
    Grace in the Desert
    1-2-1 Discipleship
    Wells and Wanderers (Amorites Bk 1)
    Grace Beneath the Frost - 9780648589099 - Christine Dillon - Indie - The Little Lost Bookshop
    Grace Beneath the Frost
    Grace in the Shadows
    Grace in Deep Waters
    Book cover image
    Plagues and Papyrus - Egyptians (Light of Nations)
    Sold Out
    Trust and Trickery - Hivites (Light of the Nations #3) - 9781923012035 - Christine Dillon - Christine Dillon - The Little Lost Bookshop
    Trust and Trickery - Hivites (Light of the Nations #3)