Grace in Deep Waters (Grace #3)

Grace in Deep Waters (Grace #3)
William Macdonald is at the pinnacle of his career. Pastor of a growing megachurch and host of a successful national radio programme. Clever and respected, he’s a man with everything, including a secret. His wife has left him and he can’t risk anyone finding out. Blanche Macdonald is struggling. Her once rock-solid marriage is showing cracks. She promised to love her husband for better or for worse, but does loving always mean staying? Blanche desires to put God first. Not William. Not her daughter. Not herself. When is a marriage over? When do you stand and fight?
I have a confession - I didn't like William in first two books, so when the prologue opened with a snippet of his backstory, I dragged my feet getting into the book. Thankfully the book is also about Blanche so I persevered and am so glad I did. Dillon has a remarkable way of getting a visceral response from this reader. This is not a book where you can switch off your brain - if anything, one starts to examine one's faith, behaviour, and attitude to see whether one is in danger of falling into Team William.
Never having been to Lord Howe Island, I appreciated the descriptions of the place. Young Davy is my favourite for his straight talking/questioning of William, and I cherished Reg's soft approach. I appreciated that Dillon didn't effect an overnight transformation for William but that it took time, the input of Christian brothers and sisters and most especially God's word as William wrestled with sermons.
What I loved about this book was the reminder that it's hard to pray for those who have wronged you, abandoned you, rejected you, and yet God calls us to pray so that they might be transformed from the inside out. We have to keep believing that God is the God of the impossible especially when things seem impossible.