Exploring the Earliest Gospel
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SKU: 9780802428936

Exploring the Earliest Gospel
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SKU: 9780802428936
Author: Rebecca Mclaughlin |
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Helping kids fall in love with God and His Word as they study the Bible for themselves
Now more than ever, kids need to know and explore their Bibles.
Getting our kids engaged with Scripture early on is vital to their discipleship. In fact, research shows that Bible reading is the number one indicator for spiritual growth. Exploring the Earliest Gospel gives kids the chance and tools to know God through His Word.
In this kids' Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young theologian daughters Miranda (12) and Eliza (10) guide your kids through the book of Mark. This adult-child collaboration will help your kids see themselves not just as passive recipients of teaching from grown-ups, but active participants who can engage with the Bible for themselves. At its heart, Exploring the Earliest Gospel is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
Mark's Gospel was the first gospel to be written, and it's based on the memories of Jesus' disciple Peter. Since Peter was an act first, think later kind of guy, your kids will notice that Mark uses the word "immediately" a lot. This is an action-packed book! As your young disciples enter the stories that were written and meant for them, they will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply God's Word to their lives.
If you're looking for a theologically rich, accessible bible study that helps your kids know and fall in love with Jesus and paves the way to a lifelong love of God and the Bible, give them Exploring the Earliest Gospel.
Now more than ever, kids need to know and explore their Bibles.
Getting our kids engaged with Scripture early on is vital to their discipleship. In fact, research shows that Bible reading is the number one indicator for spiritual growth. Exploring the Earliest Gospel gives kids the chance and tools to know God through His Word.
In this kids' Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young theologian daughters Miranda (12) and Eliza (10) guide your kids through the book of Mark. This adult-child collaboration will help your kids see themselves not just as passive recipients of teaching from grown-ups, but active participants who can engage with the Bible for themselves. At its heart, Exploring the Earliest Gospel is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
Mark's Gospel was the first gospel to be written, and it's based on the memories of Jesus' disciple Peter. Since Peter was an act first, think later kind of guy, your kids will notice that Mark uses the word "immediately" a lot. This is an action-packed book! As your young disciples enter the stories that were written and meant for them, they will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply God's Word to their lives.
If you're looking for a theologically rich, accessible bible study that helps your kids know and fall in love with Jesus and paves the way to a lifelong love of God and the Bible, give them Exploring the Earliest Gospel.
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