Men and Women in the Church

SKU: 9781433566530
Men and Women in the Church

Men and Women in the Church

SKU: 9781433566530
Author: Kevin DeYoung | Publisher: Crossway
A Biblical Primer on Men and Women in the Church

There is much at stake in God making humanity male and female. Created for one another yet distinct from each other, a man and a woman are not interchangeable-they are designed to function according to a divine fittedness. But when this design is misunderstood, ignored, or abused, there are dire consequences.

Men and women-in marriage especially, but in the rest of life as well-complement one another. And this biblical truth has enduring, cosmic significance. From start to finish, the biblical storyline-and the design of creation itself-depends upon the distinction between male and female. Men and Women in the Church is about the divinely designed complementarity of men and women as it applies to life in general and especially ministry in the church.

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Men and Women in the Church is found in these collections: Cross and Crown: Ancon24 | Crossway | Ministry Training | WMPCA Conference |

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