The Barefoot Disciple: Five Money Habits for Modern Disciples

SKU: 9780646868202
The Barefoot Disciple: Five Money Habits for Modern Disciples
The Barefoot Disciple: Five Money Habits for Modern Disciples

The Barefoot Disciple: Five Money Habits for Modern Disciples

SKU: 9780646868202
Author: Yoel Frank | Publisher: Indie

This book will make you more like a disciple and less like a consumer with your money.

Spending, saving, giving & investing—it’s a practical playbook with ten easy-to-follow steps to develop five lifelong habits.

You’ll learn how and why to:

LIVE SIMPLY so others can simply live while creating the financial margin you need.

GIVE HABITUALLY to break the grip of greed on your heart.

SPEND MISSIONALLY because less isn’t always best once you’re living simply.

INVEST IMPACTFULLY in ventures with a ‘holy trinity’ of social, spiritual and financial returns.

STEWARD WISELY to become a savvy servant with your living, giving, and investing.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Awesome advice and practical playbook to implement. Great functional ways to fulfil kingdom purposes on earth.

Caroline Andrews
Super practical book.

This is a super practical book that gives clear suggestions about how better to use your money to honour God. Biblical faithful and challenging on being generous with everything God has given us.

We used this book for our Growth groups to work alongside a sermon series on Generosity.

Anthony Lee
Godly practical wisdom

Frank offers solid foundational wisdom to practically engage with finances and understand how our faith should shape our decisions on money. I found it very helpful as I think more about investing and would recommend to anyone who wants to learn more.

Must read

Must read for all Christians!
Loads of Godly financial wisdom wrapped up in an easy to read guidebook.
I would highly recommend this book.
Life changing in all the best ways

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