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Not to denigrate the rest of the book, but my favourite part of this work is the cover! Three pictures that clearly & concisely capture the big picture of the book as a whole.
1. God Made it
2. We broke it
3. Jesus fixed it!
If you're looking for a gospel tract that is completely unique, then this may not be the book for you, but if you're looking for something that is short, sharp and clear, then this little book is tops! Dave has some great illustrations, he deals with sin (always a tough topic) in a clear and compelling way, and I particularly appreciate him landing on "this is just the beginning", encouraging the reader to consider real discipleship rather than simply make a confession of faith & be done!
If I were to suggest an audience, someone who is newer to Christianity would be a great subject. For more philosophically minded people, I think this book will be a great conversation starter, but there are certain assumptions and presuppositions made in the book (for the sake of brevity) that might need to be explored more deeply.
Great stuff from Dave.
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