GBG In View of God's Mercy: Romans 8-16
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SKU: 9781910307311

GBG In View of God's Mercy: Romans 8-16
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SKU: 9781910307311
Author: Tim Keller |
Publisher: Good Book Company
How does the gospel actually lead to change in real life? This is the question Paul addresses in the second half of this foundational Bible book. At the heart of Romans 8 - 16 lies this key verse: Paul wants to show the church in first-century Rome, and us, what it means to live in view of all God has done for his people how his grace shapes all that Christians are and all that Christians do. These seven sessions will reveal how the gospel makes a difference not only to our eternal future but to our present perspectives and priorities, attitude and actions. As you study the second half of this wonderful letter, you'll see why to and hew to live in view of God's mercy. Book jacket.
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GBG In View of God's Mercy: Romans 8-16 is found in these collections:
Bible Studies |
Good Book Company |
Good Book Guides |
Tim Keller |