Before You Lose Your Faith

SKU: 9780999284377
Before You Lose Your Faith

Before You Lose Your Faith

SKU: 9780999284377
Author: Ivan Mesa | Publisher: TGC

“I’m deconstructing.”

Yet another social-media post announces departure from the Christian faith. The cause could be sex, race, politics, social justice, science, hell—or all of the above. For many, Christianity is becoming implausible, even impossible to believe.

While it might be tempting to leave the church in order to find answers, Before You Lose Your Faith argues that church should be the best place to deal with doubts. Featuring contributors such as Claude Atcho, Rachel Gilson, Jay Y. Kim, Brett McCracken, Karen Swallow Prior, Derek Rishmawy, and Jared C. Wilson, this book shows deconstructing need not end in unbelief. In fact, deconstructing can be the road toward reconstructing—building up a more mature, robust faith that grapples honestly with the deepest questions of life.

“Over the years I’ve met many younger Christians who aren’t sure they can or even should bother any longer with this ancient faith. Some end up leaving the church with a sense of liberation. Others feel as though they’re falling with no one to catch them. The church ought to be the place where they feel safe asking hard questions and sharing honest doubts. The distinguished contributors to Before You Lose Your Faith write with sympathy and understanding. They can help anxious readers reconstruct a stronger, lasting faith in our trustworthy Savior.”
— Collin Hansen, vice president of content and editor in chief of The Gospel Coalition and host of the Gospelbound podcast

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