Wisdom in Leadership

SKU: 9781922206718
Wisdom in Leadership

Wisdom in Leadership

SKU: 9781922206718
Author: Craig Hamilton | Publisher: Matthias Media

In Wisdom in Leadership Craig Hamilton shares what he has learned through many years of being a student of the Bible and theology; a discerning reader of books on leadership; a keen observer of life and the way things work; and a loving leader of the people God has placed around him. This book is a goldmine of helpful insights for pastors and anyone else with leadership responsibilities in their church. With 78 chapters covering an extensive range of topics, this may well be the only book on church leadership you'll ever need to read. (Click on thumbnail images above to see the full Table of Contents.) 'Reading this book won't make Christian leadership easy. But it will make it easier. The strategies and principles here won't remove all frustration from Christian leadership. But they will make it less frustrating. This book won't solve every problem. But it will help you solve a whole bunch of unnecessary problems that you really don’t need to face.' - Craig Hamilton, Author

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