Foundations of Faith: Reflections on the 39 Articles

Foundations of Faith: Reflections on the 39 Articles
This book is such a useful contribution to the understanding of Anglican theology. I really appreciate those who thought of the idea and those who have written. The key thing is to share the teaching of the Articles with the whole Church. A long overdue initiative! – Archbishop Peter Jensen, General Secretary of GAFCON
A stellar cast of Anglican pastors and theologians from around the world reflect on the foundational teachings of global Anglicanism. Putting the Thirty-nine Articles in their biblical and historical context, they navigate some of the difficult terrain with clear and compelling application for today.
Each article is preceded by a Bible text with study and reflection questions. The article is stated, and commented upon in a short article. There then follow discussion questions and a suggested prayer.
This book is a great resource for churches to use as a study guide to reflect on the foundational articles of the Anglican church.
Introduction Lee Gatiss
1 The Holy Trinity Mark Smith
2 The Son of God Rob Munro
3 Descending into Hell Mark D Thompson
4 Christ's Resurrection Kirsty Birkett
5 The Holy Spirit Adam Young
6 The Sufficient Scriptures Martin Foord
7 The Old Testament Andrew Atherstone
8 The Creeds Simon Vibert
9 Original Sin John Percival
10 Free Will Tom Woolford
11 Justification Ash Carter
12 Good Works Jane Tooher
13 Works before Justification Henry Jansma
14 Dutiful Servants Trevor Johnston
15 Sinless Perfection Ben Thompson
16 Sin after Baptism Clare Hendry
17 Predestination Paul Darlington
18 The Uniqueness of Christ Rohintan Mody
19 The Church Andrew Cinnamond
20 Church Authority Mark Pickles
21 General Councils Mark Earngey
22 Purgatory Tim Patrick
23 The Call to Ministry Rod Thomas
24 Intelligible Prayer Andrea Ruddick
25 Sacraments Wallace Benn
26 Unworthy Ministers Mark Burkill
27 Baptism Glenn N Davies
28 The Lord's Supper Ben Cooper
29 Faithless Communion Charlie Skrine
30 Both Bread and Wine Kara Hartley
31 The Only Satisfaction Ed Loane
32 The Marriage of Priests Keith Sinclair
33 Excommunication Michael Nazir-Ali
34 Church Traditions James Taylor
35 The Homilies Gerald Bray
36 Making Ministers David Peterson
37 Civil Magistrates Geoffrey Firth
38 Property and Poverty Ed Shaw
39 Oaths Ros Clarke
Scripture Index