Lessons I Learned from My Little Girl

SKU: 9781527101791
Lessons I Learned from My Little Girl

Lessons I Learned from My Little Girl

SKU: 9781527101791
Author: Dai Hankey | Publisher: Christian Focus

From the very beginning, becoming a parent changes you. From first seeing their heart beat on a scan, to holding your little one in your arms, having children helps you see the world, your place in it, and how your Father God relates to you, in a completely new way. In this beautifully illustrated book Dai Hankey shares some of the lessons he learned when his first little girl was born. A tender account of a father's love for his child and his journey into parenthood, this is a lovely gift for new or prospective parents.

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Lessons I Learned from My Little Girl is found in these collections: Bestsellers | Browse Everything In Stock | Parenting | Picture Books | Read to Me (1-4 years) |
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