Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualized: World Help for Christian Parents

SKU: 9781911272182
Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualized: World Help for Christian Parents

Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualized: World Help for Christian Parents

SKU: 9781911272182
Author: Eliza Huie | Publisher: 10Publishing

Parents of teens face the challenge of raising their children in a sex–mad, sex–saturated world. Eliza Huie, a parent and Christian counsellor, takes you through, practically, how to walk with your teen in the midst of this hyper–sexualized world. The tips come in the form of what not to do, yet does so without giving a sense of judgment or failure. Instead, this short book takes a look at the value of reframing the mistakes both parents and teens may have already made and gives a hopeful picture of how our compassionate Father moves toward us in weakness.

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Raising Teens in a Hyper–Sexualized: World Help for Christian Parents is found in these collections: 10publishing | Bestsellers | Browse Everything In Stock | Mini Books | Parenting | Parenting Teens |
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