Birds and Bees by the Book (6 Book Set)

SKU: 9781925041927
Birds and Bees by the Book (6 Book Set)

Birds and Bees by the Book (6 Book Set)

SKU: 9781925041927

People have been talking about the birds and the bees since Adam and Eve walked the earth. Yet the conversation hasn’t become easier! With so many messages about sexuality, gender and identity around them, our children need a safe space to learn about these topics now more than ever. Designed for parents and carers to read with children aged 7 to 10, Birds and Bees by the Book has been created to help you to have these conversations at your own pace. Written by renowned sex educator Patricia Weerakoon, the six books in this set are designed to be read in whichever order suits you and your child. They cover three foundational topics that help children to understand the family structures in the world around them, and how their body and brain are developing as they grow. There are also three extension topics that teach children what is involved in sexual activity, what it means to be a boy or a girl, and how to protect themselves against pornography if they stumble across it. All of these topics are framed within the Bible’s message that children are unique creations of God, and that sex is a precious gift to be used carefully and wisely in the context of marriage. Each pack contains 6 books.  Foundation Topics Me and My Body Me and My Brain Me and My Family Extension Topics Learning About Sex Learning About Gender Learning About Pornography

Regular price $39.99
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

A very useful resource. Age appropriate and clear.

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