The Way I See It

SKU: 9780648275220
The Way I See It - 9780648275220 - Lucy Marrett - Elephant Tree Publishing & Missing Pages Books - The Little Lost Bookshop

The Way I See It

SKU: 9780648275220

"A raw, authentic novel about living with a generalised anxiety disorder. Read it to understand yourself or your friends." – Karl

Holly has something on her mind, but it's not something she wants to admit to. It's only after the funeral of a high school friend that she begins to realise she might have to speak up. It's the reason she tears her hair out, the reason she picks at her skin and the reason she sometimes has trouble breathing. She has two friends on her side, Lara, a friend from university who she lives with, and Jem, a high school friend who she couldn't live without. Jem is her rock and the one person in the world she trusts most while Lara, is everything Holly wishes she could be herself. But time feels like it's running out for Holly, and she's not sure how much longer she can live the way she is. It's time for her to stand up and speak out.

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