2 Peter: Faith in a Sceptical World

SKU: 9781910587355
2 Peter: Faith in a Sceptical World

2 Peter: Faith in a Sceptical World

SKU: 9781910587355
Author: David Burge | Publisher: 10Publishing

Your faith is precious! So often, though, we can feel weak, irrelevant and marginalised. Living in a sceptical world where truth is twisted and false teaching abounds isn’t easy. Peter knew about the challenges of living in such a world, but he also knew Jesus deeply, and he was utterly convinced of the importance of trusting Jesus and living for Him. Bible teacher David Burge delves into this letter and highlights relevant applications for our lives today. Be reminded of the truth about Jesus, motivated to continue to trust him and equipped for living in a sceptical world with these thirty undated devotions.

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