A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry: Teenagers in The Life of The Church

A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry: Teenagers in The Life of The Church
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Youth ministry today has fallen on hard times. Many churches continue to employ the same methods that have become entrenched over the last few decades, while others are questioning the need for it at all. Michael McGarry explores the foundation of youth ministry in the Old and New Testaments and brings that together with Church history in a compelling way. This contemplative and well-researched book provides a careful critique of youth ministry along with practical guidance for those serving in ministry. The author directs the reader toward a new era of youth ministry where parents and intergenerational ministry play a more significant role.
Michael McGarry has served in youth ministry for 14 years and is passionate about translating sound doctrine to the next generation. He earned his D.Min. and M.Div. at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and also studied at Gordon College. He is married to Tracy, a Middle School teacher, and has two smart and funny kids, Matthew and Hannah. They live in Norton, MA.