Changing Lanes, Crossing Cultures

SKU: 9780869010808
Changing Lanes, Crossing Cultures

Changing Lanes, Crossing Cultures

SKU: 9780869010808
Author: Andrew Philip Schachtel | Publisher: Interserve

'No one could doubt that Australia is now a very multi-ethnic country. Several million people from around 200 overseas countries have made Australia home, but they often have very little contact with Christians, and minimal understanding of the gospel. This book is about helping Christians and churches to understand the WHY, WHAT, HOW and WHEN of vibrant cross-cultural ministries, and to get involved.  Changing Lanes, Crossing Cultures is a very practical guide to cross-cultural ministry. Its three authors, Andrew Schachtel, Choon-Hwa Lim and Mike Wilson are all cross-cultural practitioners in Australia, with many years of experience between them.

Why “Changing Lanes”? There’s an urgent need for Christians and churches in Australia to learn appropriate and effective new skills, and to change approaches and directions in how we do ministry. This book will help them to undertake the crucial, challenging but very rewarding process of changing lanes in an increasingly multicultural environment. Changing Lanes, Crossing Cultures includes an examination of the biblical motivation for cross-cultural ministry, steps to overcome obstacles, practical information on how to get involved and many helpful anecdotes and case studies. Each section contains thought-provoking questions for reflection and discussion. It’s written so that any person can pick it up and read it, or small-groups can study it over six sessions.'

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