The Secular Creed

SKU: 9780999284308
The Secular Creed

The Secular Creed

SKU: 9780999284308
Author: Rebecca McLaughlin | Publisher: TGC

"In this house we believe that:
Black Lives Matter
Love Is Love
Gay Rights Are Civil Rights
Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
Transgender Women Are Women"

You may have seen signs with some of these messages in your neighborhood. They offer us an all-or-nothing package deal—in short, a secular creed.

In this provocative book, Rebecca McLaughlin helps us disentangle the beliefs Christians gladly affirm from those they cannot embrace, and invites us to talk with our neighbors about the things that matter most. Far from opposing love across difference, McLaughlin argues, Christianity is the original source and firmest foundation for true diversity, equality, and life-transforming love.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tim Goldsmith
A solid book looking at important questions

Rebecca Mclaughlin is rapidly becoming the go-to author when it comes to writing clear, measured & sympathetic responses to some of the big apologetic questions of the 21st Century. While this book didn't stand out as much as "Confronting Christianity", Mclaughlin has again picked some doozies: BLM, Love Is Love, Gay Rights as Civil Rights, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, and Transgender Women Are Women.
With a desire to look at research, ground things in real world experience as well as point people to the Bible, this short book ticks a lot of boxes for people trying to think through the big ticket issues of the day!

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