Caring for One Another - 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

SKU: 9781433561092
Caring for One Another - 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

Caring for One Another - 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships

SKU: 9781433561092
Author: Ed Welch | Publisher: Crossway Books
Imagine ... an interconnected group of people who entrust themselves to each other. You can speak of your pain, and someone responds with compassion and prayer. You can speak of your joys, and someone rejoices with you. You can ask for help with sinful struggles, and someone prays with you.

The goal of this book is that these meaningful relationships will become a natural part of daily life in your church. With short chapters and discussion questions meant to be read in a group setting, Ed Welch guides small groups through eight lessons that show what it looks like when ordinary, needy people care for other ordinary, needy people in everyday life.
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Caring for One Another - 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships is found in these collections: Arundel Presbyterian Church Collection | Credo | St Stephens Presbyterian Church Surrey Hills | Teaching and Training Women |
Caring for One Another - 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships
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