Married for God: Making Your Marriage the Best it Can be

SKU: 9781844741892
Married for God: Making Your Marriage the Best it Can be

Married for God: Making Your Marriage the Best it Can be

SKU: 9781844741892
Author: Christopher Ash | Publisher: IVP UK

It seems rather obvious to look to our Maker for marriage instructions. After all, God invented marriage. Yet by nature we prefer to work it out for ourselves, starting with our own needs, hopes and desires. This book turns our thinking upside down. The author examines the Bible's teaching on marriage, while remaining firmly earthed in the twenty-first-century world where messing up, heartbreak, divorce and sexual chaos are distressingly common. Starting with God's grace applied to our pain and failure, the author centres on God's plan for sex and marriage, one of service.

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Married for God: Making Your Marriage the Best it Can be is found in these collections: St John's 11am/5pm Weekend Away | St Stephens Presbyterian Church Surrey Hills | Uni Ministry Classics |
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