Priscilla, Where Are You? A Call to Joyful Theology

SKU: 9781739706272
Priscilla, Where Are You? A Call to Joyful Theology

Priscilla, Where Are You? A Call to Joyful Theology

SKU: 9781739706272
Author: Natalie Brand | Publisher: Union Books

"What we believe about God is the single most important thing about us." This is a call to all Christians-but especially to Christian women-to engage more deeply in the joys of theology. Priscilla was a woman of sound doctrine who wasn't afraid to share what she knew with others. And this is the privilege of every believing woman: we can explore truth and revel in God's mysteries; we can live as God intended, with real spiritual strength and heartfelt praise. And we too will want to share our discoveries with others.

“I love the straight talk in Priscilla, Where Are You? and its call to become women with ‘gospel guts,’ women who love and know the deep things of God. This brief but solid book is a winsome invitation to women to find our joy, our life, and our purpose in knowing, loving, and teaching the Scriptures.”

— Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author of Even Better Than Eden

“Be inspired to dig for gold in God’s Word, impacting the church and the world as you prize theology, share the truth, and shape others to praise God.

— Elinor Magowan, Director of Women’s Ministry, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC)

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