The Seed of the Woman

SKU: 9781783973309
The Seed of the Woman

The Seed of the Woman

SKU: 9781783973309
Author: Nana Dolce | Publisher: 10Publishing
The Seed of the Woman traces the gospel storyline through the narratives of women—from the garden of Eden to the times of the matriarchs, the judges, the kings, the Exile—to the birth of Christ. In this thoroughly biblical and encouraging book, Nana Dolce opens up their lives and uncovers deep truths that shape our daily life and faith. Through the stories of these thirty women, we find our place in the fabric of redemptive history as it unfolds to show us Jesus, the promised Seed of the Woman.
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The Seed of the Woman is found in these collections: 10publishing | July Newsletter | Women's Discipleship |

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