Letters for Exiles
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SKU: 9781914966453
Letters for Exiles
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SKU: 9781914966453
Author: Andy Lamberton |
Publisher: 10Publishing
Ripped from his home and exiled to Babylon, Daniel stayed faithful to God in a faithless world.
Through a series of letters, Andy Lamberton imagines how a mentor might have encouraged Daniel to stand firm despite the pressures he faced. We too are far from home, citizens of heaven living in a foreign land. And just like Daniel, we need wisdom and encouragement to help us press on. Letters for Exiles brings Daniel’s experience to life as his mentor, Abel, disciples and equips him — and us — to flourish in exile.
This book is particularly suitable for young people.
Written from the perspective of Daniel's fictional mentor Abel, Letters to Exiles helps teenagers reflect on what it is like to follow Christ in a culture that rejects the true and living God. Winsome and thoughtfully written, the book contains letters written by Abel to Daniel after he has been taken by the Babylonians, giving him practical advice and counsel while encouraging him holding fast to his faith. – Kate
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