What's Been Did (And What's Been Hid) Vol 3 Part 1: Album Rock to Glam Rock 1970-1976

SKU: 9780648380467

What's Been Did (And What's Been Hid) Vol 3 Part 1: Album Rock to Glam Rock 1970-1976

SKU: 9780648380467
As the new decade broke in Australia, popular music was finally exhibiting the fragmentation that had already begun to appear in the US and the UK in 1968. If you were serious about music, you made albums. Pop and singles were for the youngsters. And so was the “show business” side of making contemporary music, so it was heads down, concentrating on the music, and no dressing up – jeans and T-shirts. The ‘70s began with “serious” rock bands like Spectrum and Chain, but they also began with a look back to rock’n’roll’s roots – and the fun side of it at that – as Daddy Cool topped the charts. Radio stuck to pop and so did a lot of bands determined to become the next Beatles or Stones. Behind them were young gun musicians who were watching Bowie transform pop and bringing back the show business – and they were donning silk and satin. By 1976, two diametrically different bands were breaking through overseas – The Little River Band and AC/DC. How did we get there? It’s all in this third volume of What’s Been Did (And What’s Been Did).
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