Fear Not

SKU: 9780648993407
Fear Not

Fear Not

SKU: 9780648993407

Angels, demons and evil spirits often populate the pages of the Bible. We are tempted to either dismiss them as imaginary or be afraid of what might go bump in the night. The truth is that these supernatural aspects of the Bible are real and important. God has revealed them to us in his Word so that we can better understand the universe and the power of Jesus.

We live in a world where scary movies have supernatural themes and where fortune tellers and mediums have moved into mainstream culture. It is important that Christians are properly informed in how to think about these things, to have the understanding to adequately explain the supernatural aspects of the Bible and this world.

Fear Not will help you understand what the Bible has to say about angels, demons, evil spirits and spiritual warfare, including addressing questions like:

  • Are angels real? Do they have power?
  • How does Satan work in the world?
  • Should Christians be afraid of Satan?
  • Can Christians be possessed by evil spirits?
  • Are Christians called to engage in spiritual warfare?
  • How should Christians think about fortune telling, witchcraft and other occult practices?

Too many books on this topic speculate about what might be out there, ending up more like fiction than truth. Others are full of anecdotes and subjective stories of personal experiences with the unseen world. This book is different. Instead of speculating about what might be out there, we look carefully to see what God has revealed to us in his Word. This book explores what the Bible has to say about these supernatural themes, both in the Old and New Testaments. Fear Not explains passages systematically and logically, looking at both direct and indirect supernatural references and unpacking challenging sections. Only when we have seen what God has told us can we draw correct conclusions about this world we cannot see.

The core message of the Bible is that Jesus is truly the Saviour and Lord. Evil spirits and Satan are not figments of the imaginations of an ancient superstitious people; they are realities that can and should scare us if we don't trust in Jesus. Christians, however, can have great confidence that our King Jesus is Lord, even of the things we cannot see.

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