The Barefoot Investor

SKU: 9780730397533
The Barefoot Investor - 9780730397533 - Scott Pape - Wiley - The Little Lost Bookshop

The Barefoot Investor

SKU: 9780730397533
Author: Scott Pape | Publisher: Wiley
Over the past five years, Scott Pape's nine simple steps to financial confidence have changed millions of lives. Witnessing two years of widespread financial hardship after bushfires and Covid makes Scott more confident than ever in the true and enduring value of following the Barefoot steps. This book has set the standard for how Australians talk about and connect on money issues. Barefoot Date Nights, setting up your buckets, domino(ing) your debts and advice on how to get the best return on your super fund are all part of the way so many of us now talk about money. The people have spoken and the banks have finally listened; consumers have never had so much choice and information about their banking products and services.

Over the last five years, a lot has changed, thanks to the high-level agitating that has taken place, as well as those millions of monthly conversations over garlic bread and wine. The people - 'the biggest financial cult' - have spoken. The Banking Royal Commission, inquiries into the superannuation industry and legislative changes mean that it's no longer necessary for Scott Pape to tell people which bank or super fund to choose. There are just so many more good options than when he wrote this book originally back in 2016.
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