Faith Undaunted: Embracing Faith and Knowledge in a Post-Truth Era

Faith Undaunted: Embracing Faith and Knowledge in a Post-Truth Era
Christian faith is not only a matter of emotion but is a matter for the intellect. Donald MacLeod outlines not only what he believes, but why he believes, and how what he believes affects how he lives his life. Winsomely written, with unimpeachable logic, Professor MacLeod shows once again why he is a beloved teacher and writer.
160 pages.
"After reading Faith Undaunted, I can’t help thinking of the elderly lady’s reaction when she heard J. C. Ryle preach: ‘He’s no Bishop. I could understand every word!’ And so…Donald Macleod blesses us with his vintage clarity in this stirring, searching, sustaining apology for ‘Apostles’ Creed’ faith." - Dale Ralph Davis, Respected Author and Old Testament Scholar
"From time to time, books are written that manage to combine brevity with beauty, and clarity with comprehensiveness as they account for the great themes of the Christian gospel (C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, or Timothy Keller’s The Reason for God, come to mind). Among them, Donald MacLeod’s Faith Undaunted must now take its place. It surveys the major contours of basic Christian conviction, with simplicity and sympathy. It addresses the nature of faith; its reasons, and its grounds. It outlines the central tenets of Apostolic Christianity, and focusses with special lucidity on the person and work of Christ. It deals kindly yet firmly with common missteps and confusions about the nature of the Christian life, the character and claims of truth, and the place of reason, faith, and experience. It does not discount the church, but celebrates and commends her to every believer in Jesus. And it calls us all to take up our cross and to follow the lead of the Good Shepherd Himself on the path of discipleship, even though it will requires us all to walk some day through ‘death’s dark vale’. Every Christian will benefit from this delightful book. But as a guide to the basics of the faith for new disciples it should prove invaluable." - David Strain, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi