Preparing Children for Marriage

Preparing Children for Marriage
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Preparing Children for Marriage: How to Teach God's Good Design for Marriage, Sex, Purity and Dating
“My kids are way too young to be thinking about dating and marriage already! Why would I begin ‘the talk’ now, before they’ve even started asking questions?” Many parents find it difficult to broach these topics with their children, especially in age-appropriate ways. But our choice is no longer between teaching them now or later – if we do not reach them first, our culture is happy to step in with messages of its own.
In this book, Josh Mulvihill offers theological training for a critical area of parenting. He walks parents through how to begin conversations, then teaches them God’s purpose for dating, marriage and sex so they can pass this teaching on to their children.
“Josh Mulvihill has given parents an invaluable resource to help them present a biblical worldview of sexuality, marriage, and dating to their children.”
- Marty Machowski, Family Life Pastor, Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania