Religion is for Fools!
Religion is for Fools!
As a religious sceptic, Bill Medley investigates the five major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, from a layman's perspective. He attempts to see what can be known, if anything, about a 'God' or an 'afterlife' from logic and tangible evidence. Originally written as a letter to his sister-in-law, in Religion is For Fools! he shares his findings with her and tries to address her objections. Bill Medley worked as a professional entertainer for fifteen years. His stand-up comedy routines sometimes included satires on religion. Here he gives it a more serious examination. 'Absolutely brilliant! ...If all those who argue over religion had a copy of this book it would revolutionise the relationship between me and my bank manager.' Bill Medley 'This book has dramatically changed my whole attitude towards typing.' Diana Medley (wife)