Mea Culpa: Learning from Mistakes in the Ministry

Mea Culpa: Learning from Mistakes in the Ministry
The greatest strength of this book is its honesty: McClellan's confession is no half-hearted exercise in false humility, no exercise in serving up facile platitudes. In a clear and everywhere colorful fashion, he blames no one but himself for his decade of sojourning in pastoral ministry. Presently McCellan serves as pastor of Grace Church (PCA), a church he founded in his hometown of Fremont, Nebraska. He is learning to apply seven valuable and hard-won lessons he learned during his first decade of ministry. These lessons make up the heart of the book and show he's indeed learned hard-to-come-by virtues of humility and wisdom-all while smoldering in the cauldron of ministerial affliction caused to a great degree, he says, by ministerial malpractice. Brutally honest and insightful.