Beginning from Man and Woman

SKU: 9781783682706
Beginning from Man and Woman

Beginning from Man and Woman

SKU: 9781783682706
Author: Wong, Bernard K. | Publisher: Langham Monographs

Engaging with contemporary thought on love and the family, Bernard Wong argues that our notion of love has been deeply influenced by modern technological culture and political ideologies, leading to the detriment of familial relationships. Dr Wong demonstrates how Christian doctrines can be used to critique and resist these ideologies. Through a careful analysis of Christ’s love expressed in his life, death, and resurrection, the author presents a notion of Christ’s love bearing the characteristics of fraternal, incarnational, and unfolding love. These aspects of Christ’s love are pertinent to the relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, and families and their neighbours. It is through practicing Christ’s love that Christians strengthen their familial relationships and bear witness to Christ in the world.

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