
SKU: 9781783685851


SKU: 9781783685851

Asian Christians will identify with the context of the epistle to the Philippians – a church hemmed in on every side. The internal struggles of the community, personality conflicts among leaders, division within the church, and challenges from false teachers coupled with the violent threat from outside the church parallels the situation in many parts of Asia today. Paul’s ethical exhortations to the believers in Philippi enrich, guide, and correct so that a vibrant Body of Christ can be established. Philippians teaches all Christians to make it their goal to know Christ more and more each day, imitate his example above all others, and bear bold witness to God’s offer of salvation to all, beyond every divisive border. This commentary on Philippians studies the text exegetically in its original dynamic context while seeking to hear the rhetorical thrust of the apostle’s words in the present Asian context.The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christian believers in Asia to read the Bible from within their respective contexts. Holistic in its approach to the text, each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the Body of Christ in Asia by providing pastoral and contextual exposition of every book of the Bible.

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