Truth on Fire: Gazing at God Until Your Heart Sings

Truth on Fire: Gazing at God Until Your Heart Sings
What would it look like to genuinely love God with our head AND our heart? To have a faith marked by right-thinking AND right feeling? To know God deeply AND worship him passionately? Too often, Christians act as though these things are at odds with one another. But what if God intends for us to possess a Christianity that is radically committed to biblical truth, in a way that did not diminish the life of the heart, but actually intensified it?
Adam Ramsey invites us to engage both our minds and our emotions in our walk with God as we gaze at him until our hearts sing. He sums it up like this:
“My hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can’t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.”
If you yearn for God but desire a clearer biblical picture of this God whom you love, or if you have been walking with God for a while now, but your experience of him has become settled or dry, then this book is for you.
About the Author
Adam leads Liberti Church on the Gold Coast of Australia and serves as the network director for Acts 29 Australia, New Zealand, & Japan. He also contributes articles to The Gospel Coalition.
This is one of those very rare books that indeed makes your heart sing while gazing at God’s attributes and character. Adam has a way to make you fall in love with the great “I Am”. He portrays God, all of Him, in such beauty that you gaze at Him in utter childlike awe. One of my favourites. Oh how I was craving for my love to be on Fire for my beloved Lord.
My heart is so, so grateful for this book. Adam summarised it best himself by saying: “to think about our God more deeply, in order to enjoy him more intensely. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.” This book helped mine do just that. This isn’t a once off read- I’ll find myself needing my heart to be re-postured toward the goodness of God again and again as I stumble my way through life, reaching for the pages in this book to help me do just that. Seeped with scripture and rich with theological truths, and communicated brilliantly. “Imagine if an intelligent faith and a passionate faith were both realities in your discipleship to Jesus” he writes- don’t just imagine, come and see for yourself!