The Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Wisdom & Revelation

The Goldsworthy Trilogy: Gospel & Kingdom, Wisdom & Revelation
Combining three incredibly important books for the teaching of the Church, "The Goldsworthy Trilogy" offers a complete and comprehensive guide to understanding the gospel throughout the whole of Scripture. Hugely popular, this collection is being released in this special format and will be an essential guide to be used again and again for those who seek to understand the Bible in the light of who Jesus is. ^ Straightforward in his approach, Goldsworthy looks at how the Bible can only be understood through the eyes of the gospel. This being the base of his interpretation, he studies the Old Testament and its application for today, Israel's wisdom literature and its role in the Christian life and the purpose and contemporary relevance of the book of Revelation. This trilogy follows the Bible chronologically to give the reader a complete overview of evangelical biblical interpretation forming an essential one stop reference that will last a lifetime.