FOTB 2 Kings

SKU: 9781845500962
FOTB 2 Kings

FOTB 2 Kings

SKU: 9781845500962
Author: Dale Ralph Davis | Publisher: Christian Focus

2 Kings provides a fast-paced narrative of insight into the history of Israel under its monarchy. This book is a continuation of the narrative begun in 1 Samuel, and continued through 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. Ralph finishes it off with a captivating and rewarding journey through 2 Kings. Written between 561 BC and 538 BC, 2nd Kings gives us a warning about the consequences of sin, especially the catastrophic repercussions of Israel's love affair with idolatry. Despite struggling with other problems, we see that the Jewish people learned from their experience. They never made a mistake of this enormity again. Through prophets such as Elisha and Elijah we see God's compassion for his people and the opportunity for repentance. An opportunity spoilt by Judah, climaxing with the subjugation of the kingdom by the Babylonians. Illuminating, accessible and laced with his unique sense of humour, Davis' practical devotional expository applies events to the contemporary reader providing parallels to alert us in the 21st century.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sam Morton
Great entry level commentary on 2 Kings

A really easy to access evangelical commentary on 2 Kings. Davis often has thoughtful exegesis and unique insight on the book. This series often includes illustrations which don't especially age well or particularly relevant for an Australian setting. Commendably Davis always connects the message of 2 Kings its fulfilment in Jesus Christ

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