Hanging In There (3rd Edition)

SKU: 9781925424416
Hanging In There (3rd Edition)

Hanging In There (3rd Edition)

SKU: 9781925424416
Author: John Dickson | Publisher: Matthias Media

Hanging in There is a guide to choosing Jesus through the ups, downs and round-abouts of your teens and early twenties. This is a book about God, you, the Bible, prayer, church, relationships, sex, feelings, doubts, love and, above all, hanging in there as a Christian.   CONTENTS Why this book? 1. Clearing the confusion 2. Rule no. 1 3. God in a book 4. Finding God in the book 5. “Um… God?” 6. Church 7. “Our kid’s gone weird” 8. Missionary dating 9. Too much too young 10. Can you trust how you feel? 11. I believe, I think! 12. The devil and co. 13. Plugged into God 14. Bible bashing 15. My biggest mistake 16. Hanging in there 17. Appendix

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Hanging In There (3rd Edition) is found in these collections: Abbotsleigh CRU | John Dickson | Matthias Media |
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