A Sinner’s Guide to Holiness (Simplified Chinese)

A Sinner’s Guide to Holiness (Simplified Chinese)
What is holiness? Why do I need it? And why is it such a struggle for me to achieve holiness in my everyday life?
In A Sinner's Guide to Holiness, well-known evangelist John Chapman explores what the Bible has to say about holiness—where it begins, how it makes progress in our lives, and its ultimate fulfilment as we are changed into Christ's glorious likeness on the Last Day.
This book is a timely publication in this day and age, when we have often lost sight of the holiness of God. And when we do, it seems like an impossible task to achieve our own holiness. But 'Chappo' tells us that becoming holy is a vital, worthwhile goal for every Christian—even though the first 60 years may be the hardest!