My Devotional Journal: A spiritual journey of prayer and encouragement with God's suffering people

My Devotional Journal: A spiritual journey of prayer and encouragement with God's suffering people
My Devotional Journal can both encourage you in your own spiritual journey and make an ideal present for your Christian friends. As Christians we plant our footsteps in those of our Lord and go wherever He leads us. Jesus` life led Him to the cross, the resurrection, the ascension and to glory itself. This too is the pattern for our lives. We are led often to the cross. Pain and suffering are normal for the Christian for we are not immune from the effects of the world, the conditions that surround us and our own human weaknesses. We experience bereavement, sickness and loss. But many Christians, in fact one in ten of all Christians, experience another set of difficulties - the suffering that comes as a result of their allegiance to Christ, the pain of rejection, the pressure of discrimination or injustice and violent persecution as they take up the cross of Christ. This can lead even to death. In this journal, we will seek to journey with suffering Christians as they seek to follow in the footsteps of our Lord. We will seek to empathise with their ordeals but also, with them, to experience something of the joy and the glory that often come with pain and suffering.