Shorter Catechism Devotions: Timeless Truths for Today

SKU: 9781527112513
Shorter Catechism Devotions: Timeless Truths for Today

Shorter Catechism Devotions: Timeless Truths for Today

SKU: 9781527112513

Examine what Christians believe in this daily devotional on the Westminster Shorter Catechism for young adults

The Westminster Shorter Catechism has guided Christians for almost 400 years. In question–and–answer format, the first thirty–eight questions summarise what the Bible says about God, and the following sixty–nine questions how Christians should live. 

In 66 devotions, Robert Cathcart helps teens explore each question and answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

Each devotional provides an explanation in clear, modern terms, along with Scripture references. There are Challenge Questions, to encourage readers to think about how that day’s question affects their own life, and a guided prayer.

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